Kubernetes: Global environment variables for pods

September 30, 2020

I was trying to insert a few global environment variables to every container running, so one of the options was Pod Presets but I realized this feature will be removed in Kubernetes 1.20.x, check this pull request).

One of the solution is create a ConfigMap and use the envFrom to define all of the ConfigMap's data as container environment variables.

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Persistent volume in Kubernetes cluster with multiple availability zones

August 25, 2020

After a wild using Kubernetes in AWS and set-up persistent volumes via EBS, I faced a problem with evicted pods after they are re-schedule to another node; The issue was the EBS volumes are dedicated by zone, makes sense because the volumes work via networking and are dedicated per datacenter, for the network latency.

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Kubernetes multiple zones and autoscaling

July 6, 2020

After a while using Kubernetes, I tried to improve the cluster and try to use all the features from the cloud provider such as the autoscaling groups and multiple availability zones.

The environment

  • AWS (The idea is the same for other cloud providers)
  • Kubernetes
  • Autoscaling groups for the workes for each availability zone (zone-a, zone-b, zone-c).
  • Cluster-Autoscaler (CA)

The cluster will scale when:

  • There are pods that failed to run in the cluster due to insufficient resources.
  • There are nodes in the cluster that have been underutilized for an extended period of time and their pods can be placed on other existing nodes.
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Trigger Jenkins jobs via API and curl

April 23, 2020

After upgrade Jenkins, we face an issue (Error 403 No valid crumb was included in the request). We have a few solution they need to trigger Jenkins's job externally via curl command before they start working. For trigger jobs we use a service account in Jenkins.

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Kubernetes: Delete pods older than X days

February 14, 2020

I'm working with Airflow and the Kubernetes operator which deploys from Airflow a container to Kubernetes. The pods created by Airflow have ended so the final status of the pod could be Succeeded or Failed. I was looking for to delete the pods created by Airflow but older than 5 days, so we can still read the logs from the pods until they are deleted.

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